When it comes to carrying your backup gun (BUG), there's few places more convenient than an ankle holster.
Unfortunately, most ankle holsters are clunky, uncomfortable and inconvenient.
Not anymore...
Meet the BUGbite Ankle Holster... the #1 Rated Most Comfortable Ankle Holster In The WorldThe BUGBite holster was designed for maximum comfort and concealment.
Each holster is designed specifically to conform to the shape of the human leg ensuring that your firearm is supported properly and in a way that allows you to forget you are even carrying a pistol.
The BUGBite keeps your firearm properly oriented upwards at all times, and because the design lacks velcro or snaps, removing your pistol when you need it is 100% silent, unlike almost every other type of holster.
The holster is designed to comfortably carry pistols from small all the way up to mid-size frame (to confirm your pistol will fit, click here), so you only need one holster that can work with a variety of your firearms.
We ourselves use BUGBite for daily carry and often comment about how we forget that it's even on, of course this “WOW” factor leaves us feeling that this is the greatest holster ever designed!